Our mind spends lots of time telling us stories. It tells us about what has happened in the past. It tells us what might happen in the future. It analyses these details and tries to make coherent sense of it all for us. It condenses the reality of the world into something we can follow and understand.
This does not mean that everything it shows us is true. It is, after all, telling a story.
This is, of course, well intended information gathering and analysis to keep us safe and well. Unfortunately, however, often our thoughts are negative (about 80% of the time seemingly) and so we expect the worst most of the time. If we have had difficult experiences in the past the likelihood is it will consider carefully the potential of that happening again - more negative thinking.
In our favour lies our conscious self - the ability to think about our thoughts. We can see the thoughts, perceptions and opinions and choose to accept or reject them as they arise. We do not have to believe those stories if we don't want to.
Why not entertain the possibility instead of the negativity bias that things will go well rather than badly? After all our mind is just telling a tale - why not move toward a tale with your conscious mind where things go well - or at worst lock onto a neutral perspective - a sense of waiting and seeing what happens. We won't necessarily influence the future by developing either positive or negative thoughts but we might have at least some sense of hope if we filter some of those negative thoughts out as we make our way through life.
We might also gain a little control of the way our mind conducts its day to day business and that is surely good too.