Ian CatterallDec 23, 20231 min readHappy Christmas! A lot of what I talk about in therapy tends to be related to one or more of these 8 ideas. I will say no more of them - they are speak for themselves. Have a lovely Christmas and New YearIan
A lot of what I talk about in therapy tends to be related to one or more of these 8 ideas. I will say no more of them - they are speak for themselves. Have a lovely Christmas and New YearIan
Learning Something New Presentationhttps://www.canva.com/design/DAGbJO8Tmkw/P2vRnX440GTgZnPuFK3tLg/edit?utm_content=DAGbJO8Tmkw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&ut...
Believing The Stories Of Our MindThis short blog spins on a simple question: who would you be if you stopped believing the stories your mind tells about you? It can be...