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A Quote from The Young Team...

Writer's picture: Ian CatterallIan Catterall

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Some fruity language in this quote from Graeme Armstrong's book, The Young Team, his fictionalised account of growing up in gang culture in Aidrie so be warned...the quote referers to suicide so be aware of that too...

"A'm struggling tae remember hur face awready, knowin A won't see it again. Suicide always leaves yi wae a gut-wrenchin feelin. Nae cunt likes tae talk aboot it. Its uncomfortable. Even when yi have tae tell cunts, it feels like a word you shouldnae say n it scares yi, as if dwellin too long upon it could make yi catch it like some contagious disease. A tre tae imagine walkin the path doon the woods, a last time, read tae carry oot the ultimate act ae self-violence. Yi never know wit's goin on in cunts' heeds. They always say that. Yi never know wit's goin on in cunts heeds is a fuckin cop-out. Aye we do. They wur sufferin n scared n frustrated n lonely n depressed n ashamed n ignored or put on a waitin list for help Or, they never sought help n limped on, til they couldnae limp any more. There comes a point where cunts' sufferin becomes hopeless n they want tae actually cease tae exist - tae cure their problems n current condition. The whole thing depresses me n fries ma nut. Yi wish they hud reached oot n grabbed yi n screamed they wur strugglinn yi wid dae anythin yi could tae help them, as anybody wid. tae pull them back fae the edge ae their personal abyss, tae she them love n hold them tight n not let them go."

A longish qoute and perhaps hard to follow for the non-scots but really powerful and worth quoting in fll I think.

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